715: 既にその名前は使われています@\(^o^)/ 2015/07/07(火) 08:00:31.89 ID:N4CG7VKA.net
Jeuxonline :
Now that the extension's out, players had the chance to give feedback on it.
Do you plan on balancing the new jobs ? For instance, a lot of players find the DPS of the machinist to be too low.
Naoki Yoshida :
(laughs) We heard that a lot of players find the machinist's DPS to be low, however we've had the dev team run tests on it and the machinist job can do a lot of damage.
I'm sure most players use that DPS recording software, and it can be outdated or the skill rotation used by the team and the players is different. At the moment we're looking into the origin of this difference.
I want to stay cautious on that topic. We understand that people complain about the machinist's dps being too low.
There's a big difference between the numbers given by players and numbers given by the dev team members who have a very high experience of the game and perfect mastery of the machinist job.
Thus we try to understand if a mistake could have been made on the dev team side regarding the DPS calculation or if the players are just not yet used to the machinist since Heavensward was only released a few days back,
which is most likely not enough to master the job.
Right now, we're trying to find out where the problem is and if there really is a problem or a bug, we'll obviously fix it. But we're not there yet, we're just looking into it and figuring out why it happens.
Concerning the machinist, his role is similar to the bard, it's a support for the other members of the team. So, compared to other pure DPS jobs like monk or ninja, of course its DPS will be lower since they have different roles.
With the upcoming release of Alexander next week, we'll be very happy to receive feedback from the players.
Jeuxonline :
Now that the extension's out, players had the chance to give feedback on it.
Do you plan on balancing the new jobs ? For instance, a lot of players find the DPS of the machinist to be too low.
Naoki Yoshida :
(laughs) We heard that a lot of players find the machinist's DPS to be low, however we've had the dev team run tests on it and the machinist job can do a lot of damage.
I'm sure most players use that DPS recording software, and it can be outdated or the skill rotation used by the team and the players is different. At the moment we're looking into the origin of this difference.
I want to stay cautious on that topic. We understand that people complain about the machinist's dps being too low.
There's a big difference between the numbers given by players and numbers given by the dev team members who have a very high experience of the game and perfect mastery of the machinist job.
Thus we try to understand if a mistake could have been made on the dev team side regarding the DPS calculation or if the players are just not yet used to the machinist since Heavensward was only released a few days back,
which is most likely not enough to master the job.
Right now, we're trying to find out where the problem is and if there really is a problem or a bug, we'll obviously fix it. But we're not there yet, we're just looking into it and figuring out why it happens.
Concerning the machinist, his role is similar to the bard, it's a support for the other members of the team. So, compared to other pure DPS jobs like monk or ninja, of course its DPS will be lower since they have different roles.
With the upcoming release of Alexander next week, we'll be very happy to receive feedback from the players.
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